Call us anytime: 0800 385 522

"Your Independent Expert In Personal Finance"

About Us - We Give Independent, Affordable Budgeting, Planning and Educational Advice to Businesses and Families

What Does an Independent Financial Coach Do?

A Financial Coach can be best described as a cross between a Financial Planner, Budgeter, Accountant and a Life Coach. It is different from the traditional form of financial advice, in that instead of the focus being on what products to sell you, a Financial Coach will give you independent holistic budgeting and financial planning advice in relation to where you want to go in life.

Because we don't sell anything (e.g. investment, insurance, Kiwi Saver, retirement or mortgage products) there is no conflict of interest - our focus is all about you and how to teach you to save more money, reduce debt and invest in your future!

Basically Financial Coaching is about coaching and mentoring you in your business, career, retirement and/or personal life and making you aware of how you can get where you want to go in life quickly, by managing your money better, learning how to budget, save and plan for your future. Hear what others have said.

If you are going through change such as a separation, buying a house, having a baby, starting and growing a business, have high levels of debt or have a particularly complicated situation involving multiple issues, then yes we can and do help people work through these situations, tough as they may be. Refer here for more info.

Not sure where you want to go in life, no worries we'll help tease it out of you and figure out what makes you happy in life!

Just want financial assistance to learn how to budget better, have more money, pay off your debt, save for your retirement and/or get out of financial hardship? No worries we can give you financial assistance in all these areas of money management.

Still not sure what Financial Coaching is? Find out more about our services.

How Does FULL Balance Financial Coaching Help You With Your Budgeting and Personal Finances?

FULL Balance Financial Coaching is about providing simple, down to earth, practical and independent financial advice and mentoring for everyday New Zealander’s. We believe in the clients’ choice to live life how they want to, have the lifestyle they want and make decisions that support their values in life, and this is why our motto is “Yours to do with as you wish …”

We are a mobile business with our offices based in AucklandHamilton and Tauranga in the Bay of Plenty. We come to you, or undertake a phone or Skype consultation if a personal coach is not available in your area.

If you are employed by an EAP (Employee Assistance Program) registered company, you may be able to get some free budgeting and money management advice, especially if your financial hardship if causing stress at work or you are worried about your retirement, relationship separation or redundancy. Contact us to find out more.

Our Mission is to provide an affordable, cost effective and trustworthy service that empowers individuals and families to take charge of their finances and their future. What do we mean by this?

  1. Fees are at a cost that is affordable to everyday New Zealanders. Find out more about our fees
  2. We guarantee that you will make more savings from the action plan developed, than your investment in the coaching. Find out more about our guarantee
  3. Our service is fully confidential and our coaches are highly trained and qualified.
  4. We believe in your future and support you to get there.
Tauranga & Auckland Budgeting advice, Financial hardship, Independent Financial Advice, Retirement advice

Helping a client in Tauranga

100% of clients surveyed said they will be substantially better off or have a better lifestyle in the long term, because they got Financial Coaching.

We guarantee to save you more than we charge!

Tauranga, Auckland,Budgeting advice,Financial hardship, Independent Financial Advice, Retirement advice

Who is Behind Full Balance Financial Coaching?

FULL Balance Financial Coaching is the brain child of Shula Newland.  Previously an Environmental Educator, Shula found that she was a natural at managing her money and was able to put herself through university and once earning easily saved over $10,000 per year.  Being good with numbers and having a strong money personality (What’s your money personality?), ten years ago when helping a friend with his finances, Shula realised she had a skill she could use to help others.

Shula has a Graduate Diploma in Personal Financial Planning, Certificate in Budget Advise , an honours degree in Environmental Engineering and a certificate in Small Business Management and has completed numerous courses in personal development and budgeting. She has been coaching for ten years, and in that time has helped over a thousand clients to get themselves on track by providing them with personal independent budgeting and financial help.

Think you have what it takes to be a Financial Coach and are prepared to put in the training? If you have a background in personal development and/or finances and are sensitive to others values or just think you have a natural talent for teaching financial literacy and numbers, please contact us. We are currently looking for another coach for the Auckland area.

Tauranga & Auckland Budgeting advice, Financial hardship, Independent Financial Advice, Retirement advice

Freephone 0800 FULL Balance (0800 385 522) - Email: 

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